The recent run of rainy days inspired me to offer a “sharing” during class. The subject was “what do you like to do when it rains?” As each person took their turn you could tell they where reviewing memories of rainy days looking for the pearl they wanted to share. Many liked to curl up with a book, some liked to get indoor projects done and others liked to be somewhere where they could enjoy the sounds and sensations of nature’s gift. I shared how when I lived in AZ, I liked to dance in the rain and smell the earth drinking in the moisture. Here in VA, I prefer to cuddle inside with my dog. What I noticed were all the smiles from the memories and a sense of joy in the room.

I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life now.


The following is Adapted from ‘The New book of the art of Living’ by Wilferd A. Peterson

Tomorrow’s memory depends upon today’s impressions. The art of memory is seeking impressions which will enrich your life. It is the art of remembering what will help and forgetting what will hinder.

  • Your memory builds your personality, your personality builds your character, and your character determines your destiny.
  • Memory is an art gallery in which you can collect beauty. Like Emerson you can say “the landscape belongs to me!” – And so it does, no matter who owns the land. Through memory you possess the world and all its beauty.
  • Memory is a mental bank account. In it you can deposit the treasure of man’s mind so that you can withdraw hope, faith and courage in your time of need. You can be a mental millionaire.
  • Memory is a record of your personal experience. It is a record of trial and error, defeat and success. Past failures will warn you against repeating them. Past victories will inspire you to set new marks of achievement. Through memory you can focus the things you’ve learned in the past on the life you are living today.
  • Memory is your link with the centuries. All that men have remembered and set down in print through the ages is a precious legacy to you. The miracle of memory gives continuity to life.
  • Memory is a form of immortality. Those you remember never die. They continue to walk and talk with you; their influence is with you always.
  • Memory is something you create for others. The happy memories you make today with your children, will bring happiness 20 years from now by the memory of it.
    • The quality of your life will determine the memories others will have of you.
  • Memory keeps the past alive; and a good past is a bundle of todays well lived.
  • Memory,” wrote Jean Paul Richter, “is the only paradise from which we cannot be driven.”